Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blog Post 10

I chose the youtube video on O beau pays de la Touraine from Meyerbeer's "Les Huguenots." This is sung by the wonderful Joan Sutherland. This opera is from France from the grand opera style. Les Huguenots is about the thousands of french that were slaughtered on St. Bartholomew Day Massacre and all the sadness that followed from that etc. I'm not very good at spotting cadences but I'm sure that a few occurred during the opera. The only instrument that was involved in the clip was a piano, which is a chordophone. The audience was sitting below the stage and all the attention was focused on Joan, honestly the piano didn't even exist. Joan's vocals were the only thing that I could pay attention to because her vibrato is amazing and very skilled. The whole story behind the opera is very sad and includes many deaths of characters in the story involved with the opera. The main focus of the opera is the protestants and the Catholics, mainly involving Valentine and Raoul. The song lacking orchestral ornamentation and embellishments is still very intense and is well played.

1 comment:

  1. This song definitely has the cantabile and cabaletta feeling even though its French. From the performer's facial expression I would not be able to tell that this song was about sorrow. After the 2 minute mark, the music's melodic contour becomes very disjunct and shows the performer's amazing singing ability to jump intervals. Great video!
