Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blog Post #1

Ever since I was a child I have been interested in one type of music. This type of music has been used for movies, cartoons, etc. I'm talking about good ol' classical music. Examples, so you know what im talking about would be things like, Beethoven symphony #9 in D minor, Hungarian Rhapsody, Rossini's Overture and william Tell Overture. I enjoy mostly anything composed by Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, or Chopin.
It's funny though because this type of music is not as popular as it once was. The brilliance in the creation of almost all the popular classical music is just amazing and often I find myself inspired when I listen to classical music done by one of the greats. My mother use to play classical music around the house when I was five or six and it just brings forth a rhythm that I could think and move to.
Today, I never see people my age or younger listening to this type of music. It almost seems like listening to this music is frowned upon in the present day culture. Kind of strange how things turn like that and the music that is made with much less effort and genius is the music that is popular and people enjoy listening to.

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